#From idea to creation

Iranian Society of Consulting Engineers


Creating a professional system based on democratic principles to control and realize the trade union rights of community members and promote the profession of “consulting engineers”.
Achieving technical independence and advanced technology in accordance with the cultural, social, climatic and economic conditions of the country.
Qualification as the highest technical-professional authority and competent authority in legal and professional issues in all areas of technical consulting services
Achieving conditions based on justice and professional piety in order to establish democratic conditions through participation in decision-making and responsibilities according to the potential technical and professional abilities of members and fair distribution of material and spiritual achievements in technical consulting units.

Iranian Energy Consumption Optimization Association


Membership conditions are as follows:

Having legal activity in the field of energy consumption optimization in the country
Membership in the Chamber of Commerce of Industries and Mines of Iran (having a membership card or business card).
Possession of the national standard certificate of Iran (provided the standard is developed) or approval of the competent national and international authorities.
Presentation of activity justification report based on activities in the field of energy efficiency.
Payment of entrance fee and annual membership fee of the association continuously and regularly.
Acceptance, acceptance and commitment to implement the provisions of the Articles of Association and the general conditions and executive bylaws approved by the Association.
Acceptance of Iranian citizenship ((Registration in Iran))

ISO 9001


ISO 9001 is applicable to any organization regardless of the type of activity and their size. ISO 9001 certification indicates that the organization has established a quality management system in accordance with the wishes and needs of the customer. A well-designed and implemented system has the following benefits: Purposefulness of the quality management system In 1987, the 176th Technical Committee of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO / TC 176) introduced the ISO 9001 standard series to the world.


The purpose of developing this standard is to create an international model for the establishment and implementation of management systems of organizations to maintain the national and international market position, which is necessary to provide quality services in the global competitive market. Therefore, to achieve this important, the use of a system that has been used in the international arena is recommended.

ISO 14001


ISO 14001 environmental management system, as an effective element in the management system, improves the environmental performance of the organization, integrates and standardizes the management system, coordinates the implementation and management of affairs, acquaints managers with problem-solving methods and obstacles. Specifies the existing structure. This standard is flexible and its components are selected according to the characteristics of each organization as well as the laws and environmental conditions of each country.

With the aim of establishing an environmental management system in the existing system in an organization, the company and… are established, in a purposeful and systematic way, to identify environmental problems and hazards related to the activities of the organization in different parts and then to categorize them. To pay. In the next step, according to the priorities, specific programs are developed in order to control and reduce the mentioned risks and problems, in which the field of activity, time of performance, responsibilities and methods of work are precisely defined.