Design and execution of facade
Design and execution of facade
# From idea to creation

Design and execution of facade


It is the last thing that is addressed in the design, however, it is the first thing that is seen in the building, in other words, it is the main identity of the building. A successful view that in addition to beauty is also effective in conserving energy.

As mentioned, facade design is an important part of the building because the facade design represents the personality of the owner and those who live in the building. It can also indicate the location and type of use of the building.

Today, with the expansion of cities and increasing people’s desire for urbanization, building facade design has become a specialized and popular job, unlike in the past, when the facade of the building was not as important as today. In addition to cities, it has also become very important in villas.

Items of Eastabon Architect experts:


Execution of the building facade varies depending on the conditions such as the location of the buildings and their use.


One of the reasons for the importance of building facade design is that the building facade is one of the facades in the city, so whether it is beautiful or ugly can affect the whole place.


Successful appearance, in addition to being beautiful, prevents energy wastage, which requires the use of materials with lower heat transfer coefficient.


The facade of a building should be able to communicate properly between inside and outside the building. Utilizing the exterior of the building inside the building and also the entry of sunlight from outside into the building are examples of this connection.


One of the most important things to pay special attention to in designing and implementing a building facade is to follow safety tips. Some uninformed architects may ignore this to save money and get the job done sooner, but risk their lives. Others are not worth doing such things.


One of the points that endangers the lives of passers-by is the weakness of the facade materials. Scoops are used to prevent the stone facade from falling, and in other cases, the building materials used in the facade of any kind must be screwed to the body of the building.


Note that in the design of a residential facade should not create much conflict with other surrounding buildings. The closer the designs are to each other, the better they visually make sense to people. Also, indigenous identity should not be overlooked.


Design lighting should not be overdone, not so severe as to harass residents, nor so low as to darken the building. It is better that the color of the light is in perfect harmony with the color of the material.


Finally, the cost of facade design depends on many factors. Among them, we can mention the area of ​​the building, selected materials and materials, the number of buildings, ie east, west, south, north, and lighting, if requested by the employer.

Stages of facade design and execution by Eastabon Architect Company:


The first step and the most important step in designing the facade of the building is the initial design


Decide to choose materials and landscape for the facade of the building creatively and by choosing a beautiful, functional and eye-catching design to create a special and different facade.


The 2D (two-dimensional) design is drawn by Eastabon Architect Architecture Group


After the approval of the employer (you dear customers), the 3D design (three-dimensional) will be drawn by the architect team of Eastabon Architect according to the summary of the priorities and needs of the customer.


The selected contractor of Eastabon Architect complex will start the execution of 3D and 2D drawings.

* It should be noted that changing the 3D etude after the contract is up to one time is not prohibited.
Selection of materials and profiles for the building facade by the contractor
After the chassis and infrastructure of the facade are done according to the profiles, the final stage of work and execution of the building facade begins. At this stage, depending on what materials are to be used for prayer, the type of connection is different. In other words, depending on whether stone, wood, cement, concrete, glass or… is used for the facade, its connection to the chassis is different.

* To cover luxurious and beautiful clothes on the body of the building, we need accuracy, quality and the use of suitable materials and facade materials. Also, all the steps of building facade and building facade infrastructure must be done carefully and with respect to quality. In this case, what will be achieved in the end will be a beautiful, special and unique view.

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